Photo Workshop
In Vietnam
Category Photography
Year 2022
Workshop Hà Nội, Vietnam
Dive into another culture
It's a city that seems like a pulsating, chaotic kaleidoscope, a symphony of vivid colours, exhilarating scents, and a whirlwind of photographic subjects - Hà Nội. We, a group of photography enthusiasts, have come here to capture the throbbing heartbeat of this city through our camera lenses. The workshop, led by renowned photographer Nicolas Pascarel. He knows the streets of this city almost as well as he knows his home-town Paris. This trip is more than just a learning experience - it's an immersion into a completely different culture and way of life.
Capture the essence
Every corner of Hà Nội has a story to tell, whether it's the bustling hustle and bustle in the narrow alleys around the main railway station, the overpowering architecture of the Hồ Chí Minh Mausoleum, or the refreshing stillness of the Quán Thánh Temple. Our cameras are our constant companions, ready to capture every moment, every interaction, every smile, every curious or amused look from the locals. Each of us sees the city through our own lens, adopts our unique perspective, but all of us share the same passion and the same goal: to capture the essence of Hà Nội.

And yet, as much as we photograph, there are moments when we put our cameras aside to let the city sink in. Because despite all its tangible difference and fascination, it’s the spirit of Hà Ná»™i, its lively energy and its incomparable character, that is the hardest to capture. This is the challenge and the pleasure of our photography workshop in Hà Ná»™i - the pursuit of encapsulating the elusive soul of a city in pictures. In these moments, it feels as though we’re breathing not just as photographers but as part of the city itself.

My daily reports can be found in the blog:

… and at Smugmug .